Friday, May 4, 2012

6 Tips for Perfect Skin Beauty Health

1. Protect skin from the sun
Do not leave your skin exposed to sunlight at 10-16 pm, because at that time the sun was radiating heat which is not good for your skin. So avoid that your skin does not wrinkle, freckle spots, dry skin etc. The way to avoid this is to use anti ultra violet protective cream, moisturizer that protects skin and clothing. If necessary, bring a small umbrella, use a hat or jacket.

2. Avoid stress.
Stress can make the skin more sensitive and trigger acne and other skin problems. If there is a problem, get it done and go to the fun activity. Overcome as soon as possible and relax.

3. Stop Smoking
Smoking can make the face look older and allowing wrinkles on the face you are coming faster. Due to smoking will affect the blood vessels that nourish the skin and also required cigarette damage the collagen and elastic (fiber that makes the skin strong and supple). So stop smoking to keep skin healthy.

4. What you eat.
This sentence can be interpreted as what you eat, that's what your form. So watch your nutritional intake, from now multiply the consumption of foods containing vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B as a means to repair skin tissue, forming skin cells and also anti-oxidants are in need of skin.

5. Give the intake to the skin.
Equally important is providing an additional intake for the skin, such as topical cosmetics for men that contain vitamin E, why is vitamin E?, Because vitamin E is not in production by the body naturally, while vitamin E is able to regenerate damaged skin cells, protect healthy skin and also contains anti-oxidants are very high important .Anti oxidants to fight free radicals in the can from pollution, cigarette smoke and toxic other.

6. Use the air conditioner that supports Skin Health
There are so many factors that can cause skin to become dry. Changing seasons, cold weather, weight loss sudden, chemicals that contaminate our water when we swim, air conditioning, etc.. Among these factors, the AC is one we do not realize. Especially for working space or daily activities are often spent in the room air conditioner, skin dryness due to air conditioning in often threatening.

Well now there is new technology that was pioneered by LG with AC Skin Care. Special working AC LG Deluxe Skin Care is an innovation that developed the technology Plasmaster. Plasmaster technology makes the air conditioner work smarter Deluxe Skin Care produces positive and negative ions in bulk.


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